Noob to fog and was trying to get working with vsphere 5.0 ruby 2.1.1 and 1.9.3 with fog 1.20
Thomas Foster
2014-02-28 20:14:30 UTC
I was wondering if this is still supported also, I wanted to know if I was
doing something wrong...My apologies if I don't have all information
needed. I am just trying to make a connection to my vsphere appliance and
I cannot.

my .fog file:

:vsphere_server: server1.domain
:vsphere_username: ***@domain
:vsphere_password: mypassword
:vsphere_expected_pubkey_hash: myhash


[fog][WARNING] Unsupported StormOnDemand service: network
[fog][WARNING] Unsupported StormOnDemand service: storage
[fog][WARNING] Unsupported StormOnDemand service: dns
[fog][WARNING] Unsupported StormOnDemand service: billing
[fog][WARNING] Unsupported StormOnDemand service: monitoring
[fog][WARNING] Unsupported StormOnDemand service: support
[fog][WARNING] Unsupported StormOnDemand service: account
[fog][WARNING] Unsupported StormOnDemand service: vpn
Welcome to fog interactive!
:default provides Openvz and Vsphere
f=Fog::Compute.new(:provider => "Vsphere")
[:servers, :servertypes, :datacenters, :interfaces, :interfacetypes,
:volumes, :templates, :clusters, :resource_pools, :networks, :datastores,
:folders, :customvalues, :customfields]

This is where I am stuck...I wanted to list systems on my servers but I do
not know how to use the models and would appreciate any help...I would
prefer being pointed in the right direction, unless it's too complicated.

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